Advanced Diploma of
Leadership and

Course Description

Duration = 52 Weeks
(Includes Holidays)
International Students

BSB60420 - Advanced Diploma of Leadership and Management

(CRICOS Course Code: 113820B)

This qualification reflects the role of individuals who apply specialised knowledge and skills, together with experience in leadership and management, across a range of enterprise and industry contexts. Individuals at this level use initiative and judgement to plan and implement a range of leadership and management functions, with accountability for personal and team outcomes within broad parameters.

They use cognitive and communication skills to identify, analyse and synthesise information from a variety of sources and transfer their knowledge to others, and creative or conceptual skills to express ideas and perspectives or respond to complex problems.


This qualification is nationally recognised under the Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF).


Overseas / International students will be:

  • Holding valid Student Visa
  • Fee for service

Learners with experience in the relevant industry or education can apply for Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) and Credit Transfer. Please refer to ‘RECOGNITION OF PRIOR LEARNING AND CREDIT TRANSFER’ section on Student Handbook or contact Yarra College Australia (YCA).


Qualification Package entry requirements

  • Have completed a Diploma or Advanced Diploma from the BSB Training Package (current or superseded equivalent versions). Or
  • Have two years equivalent full-time relevant workplace experience in an operational or leadership role in an enterprise.
YCA Admission requirements

YCA has the following admission requirements:

  • Minimum IELTS score of 6.0 or equivalent*. For equivalency of various English Languages proficiency testing, and other forms of equivalency please refer to the student handbook

    OR , minimum of two (2) years of study at an AQF Level 4 or higher completed in Australia

  • Students must be a minimum age of 18 years or above at the time of course commencement.
  • All learners will undertake an initial skills assessment to determine suitability for the course and student needs. The review aims to identify their training needs through questions on previous education or training, the relevance of the course and relevant experience. Determination of course suitability and additional support (if any) will be made by a qualified assessor.
  • All students will be required to complete an LLN assessment prior to the commencement of the course. Yarra College Australia uses the LLN robot platform for the assessment. All reports, training supplements and recommendations are generated by the LLN Robot system after comparing the learner’s ACSF spiky profile to the profile of this course.
  • For students to work on assessments, tasks and self-study all learners are expected to have access to a laptop or computer with Windows operating system and office application like Microsoft word at their own cost.
Required Australian Core Skills Framework (ACSF) level

Typical ACSF LLN level would be Level 3 – Level 4


There is no direct link between this qualification and licensing, legislative and/or regulatory requirements. However, where required, a unit of competency will specify relevant licensing, legislative and/or regulatory requirements that impact the unit.

Training Pathway

Further training pathways from this qualification include, but are not limited to enroll in a university degree such as a Bachelor of Business or a Bachelor of Business Management.

Employment Pathway

Employment may include, but not limited to, professional, managers, community and personal service workers. Please refer to the following source for Pathway and employment outcomes and Job Pathways Charts illustrating potential career pathways within that industry.


The program for international students takes place in a classroom environment with access to Internet


This course is offered full time over 52 weeks (including holidays) on a full-time basis for 20 hours per week. Students need to gain competency in 10 units (5 core units and 5 elective units) to successfully complete this course.


The underlying principle of Nationally Recognised Training is that a learner does not have to repeat training and assessment that has already been undertaken.

Yarra College Australia (YCA). has a Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) and Credit Transfer Policies and Procedures and can be found at YCA’s website, which outlines in detail a process to be followed for granting recognition and credit transfer. This is supported through the RPL guidelines for this qualification which focus specifically on all units.

Learners are encouraged to apply for RPL prior to or immediately after formal enrolment but prior to the facilitated delivery of units to ensure that they do not miss any training opportunities offered should they be unsuccessful in the RPL process.

Credit Transfer relates to the recognition of learning achieved through formal education and training, and involves assessing a previously completed course or units to see if it provides equivalent learning or competency outcomes to those required within the current course of study. Learners must provide transcripts of results and/or statements of attainment for credit transfer to be assessed.

Where a learner is successful in the RPL or Credit Transfer (CT) application, the units to be undertaken and course duration will be adjusted accordingly.

Where RPL is granted, learners do not have to participate in further training and assessment for skills and knowledge that they already possess.

Terms and Conditions:
  • YCA will strive to maintain highly competitive fair and reasonable fee structures.
  • YCA adjusts its fees and charges from time to time. Changes to fees will be fairly and equitably applied, advertised and clearly indicate the date from which the change will take effect.
  • YCA provides details of course fees in all course information.
  • YCA will ensure these fees are applied and communicated to clients prior to enrolment.
  • In accordance with the Standards for RTOs 2015, YCA adopts the following to protect fees paid in advance:
  • Flexible payment arrangements/ options will accommodate individual circumstances.
  • Fees must be paid in full before certification will be issued.
  • Acceptable payment options can be made via credit card, direct debit, and EFT remittance to accommodate the diverse financial situations.

For International Students, this qualification is expected to be completed in 1 year.

This will include 44 weeks of training and assessment spread over four (4) study periods of 11 weeks each and a total 8 weeks of study break periods interspersed between study periods.

As per package rules, 10 units must be completed. These include 5 core units and 5 elective units.


Please contact YCA for the intake dates.


A range of assessment methods employed by Yarra College Australia ensures that assessments are fair, valid, reliable and reasonable while ensuring that Yarra College Australia meets the requirements of the relevant Training Package and the rules of evidence. Assessments for this course have been designed for classroom-based face-to-face delivery and assessment.

Based on the assessment methods for each unit of competency, assessment styles incorporated by Yarra College Australia include a range of assessment tasks such as knowledge questions; research tasks; assessor observations; projects, which may include case studies, round tables and project portfolios; role-plays; undertaken at prescribed assessment schedules. Tasks will require in‐class work to evidence aspects of skills and knowledge as well as ensure a consistent approach to the unit of competency through continuous engagement and feedback.

Knowledge questions are designed to help the student demonstrate the knowledge which they have acquired during the unit

Research tasks are used in two ways. The first is to assess the student’s ability to conduct and analyse research/gather information and is in response to performance criteria or performance evidence. The second is to assess the student’s knowledge and is generally in response to knowledge evidence.

Assessor observations are used where the unit of competency requires that the student must be observed demonstrating the skills and knowledge that they have acquired during their course. These observations will be in person.

Projects are provided to help students demonstrate the knowledge and skills that they have developed during their course. Supporting templates and resources, including project portfolios, are provided to the student and marking guidance is provided to the assessor.

Round table discussions will be used for students to discuss their own real experiences and apply them in the context of the case study. Even though students may be participating in a project based on a case study business, they have a wealth of knowledge, experience and skills that they have each gathered throughout their lives that can be reflected on and applied in discussion with their peers and fellow students. These can then be discussed and applied to the project they are working on, making it more industry realistic.


The training facilities are equipped with all the required equipment in accordance with the training package ( ). Students will be provided with access to the following resources required to complete the qualification successfully upon enrolment:

  • Units’ Notes
  • Student Workbooks and Resources
  • PowerPoint Slides and Handouts
  • Computers
  • Microsoft Office Suite

Upon successful completion of this course, student will receive a nationally recognised BSB60420 - Advanced Diploma of Leadership and Management. Students who do not complete all units may be eligible for a Statement of Attainment for partial completion of the BSB60420 - Advanced Diploma of Leadership and Management


The training delivery location is LEVEL 6,190 Queen Street, Melbourne Vic 3000


52 Weeks
Core Units
Elective Units

Enrol In This Course

Our mission is to provide the next generation of hospitality professionals and business leaders with a superior quality education experience that gives them the necessary skills and training required to succeed in their careers.

Core Units

Unit Code Unit Title
BSBCRT611 Apply critical thinking for complex problem solving
BSBLDR601 Lead and manage organisational change
BSBLDR602 Provide leadership across the organisation
BSBOPS601 Develop and implement business plans
BSBSTR601 Manage innovation and continuous improvement

Elective units

Unit Code Unit Title
BSBPMG633 Provide leadership for the program
BSBSTR602 Develop organisational strategies
BSBSUS601 Lead corporate social responsibility
BSBHRM613 Contribute to the development of learning and development strategies
BSBXCM501 Lead communication in the workplace